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Free Travel and Leisure Quiz Listing

The more you use your brain, the smarter you become and the more healthy your brain is! Take one of our Travel and Leisure quizzes, test your knowledge, and find out more about yourself!

African Capitals Quiz
Do you know the capitals of the countries in Africa? Take this quiz to find out.

Europe´s Capital Cities
Most people are familiar with London, Paris, Rome, and other big city capitals of western Europe... but how familiar are you really with the geography of today´s Europe?

An African Culture Quiz
Test your general knowledge of Africa with this 10 question quiz.

European Languages - Beginners
Identify the language in which the question is posed -- “Do you speak English?”

50 Years of Disneyland Attractions Quiz
Some rides come and go at Disneyland, others we hope will never leave. Travel through time to revisit some Disney favorites and find out how much you really know about Disneyland attractions!

Britain´s Top Tourist Towns
Besides London, can you identify some of Britain´s top tourist towns? If you need a hint, check out the European Travel Discussion Forum.

How Much Hebrew Do You Already Know?
Hebrew and English have many words that are either similar or identical - how many can you figure out? Need some hints or want to learn more - check out my articles on Hebrew.

Famous Australians
Find out some more about Australia´s famous people.

Hawaii State Facts
See how much you really know about the great State of Hawaii!

Indian Festivals Quiz
Indians are a fun-loving community with plenty of festivals. Here is a fun quiz to help you check how much you know about Indian Festivals.

European Languages - Experts
Identify the language in which the question is posed -- “Do you speak English?”

European Travel Destinations
Forum Favorites! Visitors to the European Travel Discussion Forum offer great recommendations. Read some forum posts if you need some hints with the quiz and post some of your own suggestions.

Indian Facts Quiz
How much do you know about India? Try this fun quiz to find out!

Fair Trade Trivia
Think you know the history of fair trade? Try your knowledge in Fair Trade Trivia! Read to learn more

Travel all over the Countryside
How well do you know Australian places?

Do You Know How to Stay Safe in the Caribbean
Here are 10 questions about staying safe in the Caribbean, if you´ve read my latest article you´ll be a cinch to win!

Caribbean Life
All things Caribbean - from soup to coconuts

The Bronte Sisters
Test your knowledge of the lives and novels of Anne, Charlotte and Emily Bronte.

Scottish Poets
Questions about Scottish poets, poetry and even the odd song!

Alaska Animals
What do you really know about Alaska animals? You may be surprised! I know I was.

Caribbean trivia
The following have all featured in articles posted during the last year or so. Have you been paying attention?! Put yourself to the test...

Annie Lennox
Test your knowledge of Annie Lennox, a Scottish singer whose career has spanned decades.

Whatcha know?
Just a fun quiz to see what everyone knows about Alaska!

Who Wrote This Poem?
Try your hand at deciding who wrote some of England’s best loved poems. The quiz consists of ten multiple choice questions, each giving you the first line of a poem – you choose your answer for each question from four poets’ names.

Full List of Free Tests and Quizzes


Cat Got Your Tongs Book Review

How to Make a Solid Perfume for Spring

Self-Care, Refresh & Glow for Ethnic Beauties


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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