Additional Perennials For Damp Sites
Some of the perennials are suitable for damp gardens. These include the following species.
Golden Ray
Golden ray is a member of the daisy family. It is an excellent choice for woodland glades, bog gardens, and around streams and ponds. Sheltered sites are preferred.
These natives need a rich, adequately moist soil. The plant is adapted to most soil types.
This does well in full sun and part shade. It even withstands high humidity.
The tall statuesque perennials rarely need dividing.
Golden ray forms clumps up to 3 feet wide. They bear large, showy, orange to yellow daisy-like flowers. Flowering is mostly in the summer and fall. The flower stalks, 3 to 6 feet tall, are covered with blooms in nodding, branched clusters.
The large, attractive, alternate leaves are either toothed or lobed. They can be a foot wide. Mostly on long leaf stalks, the foliage is variegated in some varieties.
Swamp Milkweed
Also called rose milkweed, this stout plant requires a very moist soil. Native
to the East in wet sites and swamps, it is 2 to 4 feet in height with a two foot spread.
The long, narrow foliage is up to 6 inches long. The purplish-pink to rose-purple, star-like blooms are very small, ¼ inch across. They’re borne in terminal, ball-like 3 inch wide clusters. These are very showy.
Flowering occurs in the summer. There are varieties with white flowers. Butterflies visit the flowers.
Swamp milkweed is an easy to grow native wild flower. The plant has the typical inflated seed pods like the other milkweeds.
Lady Fern
Widely grown, lady fern is native over much of the country. It is suited to constantly wet soils. The plant prefers full sun.
The plant is 4 feet or more in height with a spread of 2 to 3 feet. This vivid green fern has beautiful, feathery, delicate looking, finely divided fronds. These are deeply toothed and cut
Over 2 feet long, the fronds tend to fan out at the top. In some varieties, the fronds are crested. The leaves turn brown in the fall when frost hits.
The plant is quite vigorous and tends to spread quite easily. Easy to grow, lady fern needs a rich, very moist soil high in organic matter. It will need watering during dry spells.
Golden Ray
Golden ray is a member of the daisy family. It is an excellent choice for woodland glades, bog gardens, and around streams and ponds. Sheltered sites are preferred.
These natives need a rich, adequately moist soil. The plant is adapted to most soil types.
This does well in full sun and part shade. It even withstands high humidity.
The tall statuesque perennials rarely need dividing.
Golden ray forms clumps up to 3 feet wide. They bear large, showy, orange to yellow daisy-like flowers. Flowering is mostly in the summer and fall. The flower stalks, 3 to 6 feet tall, are covered with blooms in nodding, branched clusters.
The large, attractive, alternate leaves are either toothed or lobed. They can be a foot wide. Mostly on long leaf stalks, the foliage is variegated in some varieties.
Swamp Milkweed
Also called rose milkweed, this stout plant requires a very moist soil. Native
to the East in wet sites and swamps, it is 2 to 4 feet in height with a two foot spread.
The long, narrow foliage is up to 6 inches long. The purplish-pink to rose-purple, star-like blooms are very small, ¼ inch across. They’re borne in terminal, ball-like 3 inch wide clusters. These are very showy.
Flowering occurs in the summer. There are varieties with white flowers. Butterflies visit the flowers.
Swamp milkweed is an easy to grow native wild flower. The plant has the typical inflated seed pods like the other milkweeds.
Lady Fern
Widely grown, lady fern is native over much of the country. It is suited to constantly wet soils. The plant prefers full sun.
The plant is 4 feet or more in height with a spread of 2 to 3 feet. This vivid green fern has beautiful, feathery, delicate looking, finely divided fronds. These are deeply toothed and cut
Over 2 feet long, the fronds tend to fan out at the top. In some varieties, the fronds are crested. The leaves turn brown in the fall when frost hits.
The plant is quite vigorous and tends to spread quite easily. Easy to grow, lady fern needs a rich, very moist soil high in organic matter. It will need watering during dry spells.
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